#Set timer for 20 minutes from now free#
Create a file called useCountdown.js with the following content.If you need to set a timer for 20 minutes, then you are at the right place! This simple-to-use web app is free to use.

Create a folder called hooks under your project's src folder. Let us create a hook to compute the countdown in an interval. Custom hooks are much more straightforward. If you have been using React for a while now, you are making the same using patterns like Higher-Order Component, Render Props. The vital point to note here, we can share stateful logic between components without polluting the states. The custom hooks are regular JavaScript functions to isolate a reusable component logic. ⭐ The Custom Hook to Perform the Countdown
#Set timer for 20 minutes from now update#
It means your app on the browser will update automatically when you make any changes to the project source code and save it. Please note the Create React App supports hot reloading. You should have a browser tab opened automatically that runs the app URL. Once done, please browse to the countdown directory and start the app locally using the following command, npm run start This command will take a while, and create the project structure for you. Open the command prompt/terminal and execute this command, npx create-react-app countdown To follow along, you can use the Create React App(CRA) to create your initial project structure. I hope you have started "Thinking in React" already! Let's start putting things in code. We will determine the counter value based on the individual values of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

We also see the conditional rendering of ShowCounter and ExpiredNotice based on the counter value. It supplies the required data to the component as needed. We see the useCountdown hook isolated from the component hierarchy. With that, now take a look at the following diagram. The custom hook accepts the initial date and time and returns the count of days, hours, minutes, and seconds in the interval of our choice(say, in every 1000 ms). We can isolate the countdown calculation in a custom hook called useCountdown. Let's welcome Custom Hook to solve the problem. So, you shouldn't keep this tightly coupled with any components. But think about it, you may need this countdown calculation elsewhere in your app in the future. Please note we can do the entire countdown computation inside CountdownTimer or ShowCount components. ExpiredNotice: A component that shows the warning text saying the timer is expired and what action to take.DateTimeDisplay: A reusable presentational component to show the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds along with its labels.ShowCount: A component to show the countdown count for days, hours, minutes, and seconds.CountdownTimer: A parent component that conditionally renders the countdown or the expiry notice.So, we can separate the responsibilities into the following components, It shows an expiry notice when the countdown expires. The application has a user interface to show the countdown numbers. Please note how we can identify and mark the components. Here goes the design and component breakdown of the countdown application. Decide on reusable logic that you can isolate and reuse among components, welcome custom hooks.Decide on the component's state and data to pass as props among the components.When you are learning React, you need "Thinking in React". Basic State Management using Standard Hooks.Please note, if you are a newbie to React and planning to follow along with this article, you will learn the concepts like, The image below shows a working example of the app.

Once the date and time expire, it will show an expiry notice. We will create a countdown timer that will allow us to set an initial date and time to start the countdown. What could be better than learning it by developing a small but practical application? This article aims to explain the usages of the custom hook in a beginner-friendly manner. However, the practice of writing custom hooks seems to be a bit lesser. Web developers widely use React's standard hooks like useState, useEffect to manage state within the components. With the inclusion of functional components and hooks, it is even more potent in reusability, better code organization, and data flow. React(aka ReactJS) is a library that builds declarative and component-based user interfaces.