Queen cassiopeia
Queen cassiopeia

The Egyptian word for ‘ throne‘ or ‘seat’ is ‘KXA’ (‘ kazhaa‘) which looks like it could be pronounced ‘cassa’, resembling Cassiopeia’s name.Īccording to Wikipedia Cassiopeia’s name in Greek is Κassiope, which means “she whose words excel”. Derivatives: farm, fermata (in music the prolongation of a tone, chord), firm¹, firm², firmament, affirm, confirm, furl, infirm, infirmary, (these words from Latin firmus, firm, strong), throne (from Greek thronos, seat, throne < ‘support’), dharma (from Sanskrit dharma, statute, law < ‘that which is established firmly’), dharna (the practice of protesting against an injustice by sitting and fasting outside the door of the offender, from Prakrit dharana, a holding firm), Darius (from old Persian darayava(h)us, ‘holding firm the good’, from daraya– to hold firm, uphold). The word ‘ throne‘ comes from the Indo-European root * dher ‘To hold firmly, support’. The constellation is often referred to as Cassiopeia’s throne because the stars clearly outline the chair, or throne, upon which the queen sits. Greeks knowing it as Kassiepeia E tou thronou, ‘Cassiopeia, She of the Throne‘ and Hyde gave it the title Inthronata. The five brightest stars trace the shape of a slightly distorted M, known as the Celestial, when above the pole, and a W, known as Celestial, when below the pole, when Cassiopeia is in an upside-down position.Ĭassiopea, is the name of the genus of the “upside-down” jellyfish.Ĭassiopeia, the Enthroned Queen, is a sitting figure, at times suspended upside-down in the sky in a very undignified position, she is depicted firmly bound to her throne and refrained from falling out of it, in going around the pole head downward (rather like being on a Ferris wheel I imagine). it revolves around the pole star, Polaris, and being so close to the pole, its position appears to change dramatically throughout the night. The constellation is in a circumpolar position, i.e. Perseus breaks the chains that binds Andromeda to the rock. The sea monster arrives and Perseus kills it. The hero, Perseus, arrives at the scene and falls in love with her, he has a quick consultation with Cepheus and Cassiopeia, it is agreed that if he rescues their daughter, he could marry her.

queen cassiopeia

Andromeda was chained to a rock and left to the mercy of the sea monster. He learned that the only way to save his kingdom was to sacrifice his daughter Andromeda to the sea monster. With his kingdom in grave danger, Cepheus consulted the oracle of Ammon in Libya for advice. The Nereids complained to Poseidon who sent a sea monster, Cetus, to ravage the coast. Cassiopeia was proud of her daughter’s beauty and boasted that her daughter was more beautiful than the Sea Nymphs, the Nereids, who were daughters of Poseidon (Neptune). History_of_the_constellationĬlues to the meaning of this celestial featureĬassiopeia (Greek Kassiope, Kassiepeia) is queen of the celestial royal family, her husband Cepheus is king of Ethiopeia, they are parents of Andromeda. Clues to the meaning of this celestial feature 2. Constellations of Words Explore the etymology and symbolism of the constellations the Ethiopian Queen, the Seated WomanĬontents: 1.

Queen cassiopeia